Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Monhegan paintings 2006

Here are some of the paintings I did when on Monhegan in August. I tried something new this year and spent more time on each painting, often going back a second day to work on it. The Sunrise painting I did for about 30 minutes each morning for a week. It was interesting how the sun came up at a different spot from when I started to when I was finished. And when it rains(which is a lot of the time) I paint food, desserts mostly. The graveyard painting is of the tombstones from a man and his widow, and the little rock on the end of the shelter island, Manana, is called Casket Rock. You can see Casket Rock in between the headstones.
I only had 19 days to paint this year, but I managed to get a good amount done. All in all I think I managed to finish 12 or 13. I'm slowing down.


saffry said...

I want to live in that house with the flowers in front. And eat that pie. I'd even like to be buried in that cemetary, it looks so peaceful. Thanks for bringing pretty things to life.

Anonymous said...

love the new artwork
just like fine wine--- getting
better with age!!
keep it up
