Saturday, April 12, 2008

Need Your Prayers

I know that I get a pathetic amount of visitors to this blog, but I want to ask for you to keep this precious little angel of a baby girl in your thoughts. She is the baby girl of my best friend in the whole wide world and her amazing husband. She is in the hospital fighting off what the doctors are pretty sure is botulism. Very rare and serious. Her parents, the best, most wonderful people I know, are at her side, suffering with her. Please keep them in your thoughts.


saffry said...

I can't stop thinking about her, and I'm giving Claire some extra love and kisses today.

I also sent a email out to Mark, Roxy, Ellen & Rosemary since I don't think they check the blog daily.

Anonymous said...

thanks to everyone for keeping our precious one on your prayers. Judy and Steve

Anonymous said...

i sure will be praying for her and her parents. God bless you.