Sunday, March 26, 2006

Monhegan Wedding

Here are a few of the millions of pictures I have of Monhegan. Second only in number to my kitty pics. The place where we are having the wedding ceremony is right on the lawn of this gorgeous hotel, the Island Inn, which has been immortalized by the Wyeths in their paintings. The view of the harbor and ocean is breathtaking from here. Pictured here is the hotel and lawn, the view from there, the sitting room of the Inn, and Mark and I from the lighthouse, where we were engaged! Not an easy place to get to, but worth the trip!


saffry said...

mmmmmmmmmmm, gorgeous. Do you have some paintings too? I thought the P.H. Miller site might still have some, but it looks like those were of Lyme. How long are you going to stay on Mohegan for?

painterjoy said...

Most of the paintings of Monhegan are on my website. I will be on Monhegan from Aug14 til a few days after the wedding. I will be there to paint like I do every summer!Then Mark's parents are throwing a reception in Manchester on the 16th of September. That's where it will be the big gathering.